速報APP / 攝影 / Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds

Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds



檔案大小:42.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds(圖1)-速報App

Biggest Black wallpaper collection app is now on App store, this Black HD wallpaper app is very unique and has amazing user interface to represent ultimate wallpapers added into the app, user can find wallpapers according to their desired categories very easily and also can like, share with their friends and family members. Every wallpaper available in the app are of high resolution and can be zoomed at its maximum level without stretching, it can be also saved and set us your screensaver and wallpaper for your mobile screens.

Here are some highlighted features of the app :

(1) Easily Navigate With Tab

(2) Online-Offline(Caching) Apps

Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds(圖2)-速報App

(3) HD Quality Wallpaper

(4) Image Display With Category Wise

(5) Recently Added Image Display in Latest Tab

(6) Image Display With Full Screen Mode

Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds(圖3)-速報App

(7) Image Change with Swiping finger

(8) Image Change with next and previous button

(9) Rating Wallpapers

(10) Add to Favorite Mode

Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds(圖4)-速報App

(11) Favorite Image Display Separate

(12) Image Share with your friends and on social networks

(13) Image Save in device Photo Library

(14) Grid Item Size Responsive Based on Screen Display Size

Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds(圖5)-速報App

(15) Check Network Availability

Enjoy the Ultimate collection of cool Black and Dark wallpapers in your iOS device and give your valuable feedback and ratings to us.

Black Wallpapers & Backgrounds(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad